The German booking agent and promoter, Mirca Lotz, is the founder of the non-profit music organization, innen.aussen.raum e.V. and agency [fwd: like waves]. She organizes and curates concerts in special locations, and does booking for bands across Europe. She’s also the founder of the We Make Waves initiative focusing on the support of female musicians and was selected as one of the major innovators in the Keychange project.
British manager, mentor and mobster of the Manchester grime scene, and a former successful rapper, Danny Fahey, is a founder of the Thirty Pound Gentlemen initiative, which helps mainly young artists, often socially disadvantaged, to become oriented in the music industry. Through the Grime Beyond Borders project, he helps rappers break across the borders. Danny Fahey has rich experience in working in communities from Zimbabwe to Lebanon and cooperation with lifestyle brands.
September 4 - 5, 16:00 - 21:00 Prague Creative Center, room 219 Staroměstské náměstí 4/1, Praha 1
On the first day, Mirca Lotz and Danny Fahey will introduce their project, approach and strategies through their lectures. On the second workshop day lecturers will be brainstorming with the participants in groups discussing particular projets of the participants. Lectures and workshops will be in English.
Free entry. Registration needed, deadline on 31. 8. 2018. Please, fill in the registration FORM.