Jak na festivaly, showcase, streaming, vydavatelství? Jaká je role agenta? Co se děje na hudební scéně našeho regionu? K čemu vám může pomoci SoundCzech? To a mnohem více se dozvíte ve dnech 26. – 28. 3. 2018. Během tří dnů budou v Pražském kreativním centru probíhat specializované workshopy SoundCzech Skills v anglickém jazyce pod vedením zkušených školitelů. Zdarma – jen se nezapomeňte registrovat.
SoundCzech Skills – Workshopy

26. 3. 2018 16:00 – 20:00
1) The mystical world of Festivals, and international stages and the way there
60 minutes
Speaker: Mark Bona (Sziget Festival)
The way to get to major stages from the festival programing, producing point of view, requirements that bands should have in order to succeed at events like that.
2) Showcase events – how to behave and suceed
60 minutes
Speaker: Márton Náray (SoundCzech, Nouvelle Prague)
I will speak about the showcase events, what does it mean. What does a band, and their background personal need to do in order to make the most of it.
3) Everything You Always Wanted to Know About SoundCzech But Were Afraid to Ask
60 minutes
Speaker: Márton Náray ( SoundCzech director)
27. 3. 2018 16:00 - 20:00
Guest speaker: Damian Ekman (CEO Hand2Band Group)
1) Streaming: playlists, payments, bookmarks?
90 minutes
Speakers: Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt (The International Music Managers Forum) & Dijana Lakus
We will look at current streaming business model examples and ask: do playlists develop audiences for artists? Beyond data and exposure, what is streaming worth, where is the money? How to convert streams by casual listeners into bookmarks (follows, likes, additions) by engaged fans?
2) Music publishing, the nuts and bolts
45 minutes
Speakers: Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt (The International Music Managers Forum) & Dijana Lakus
A music industry badge in publishing in return for forty-five minutes of listening and questions: a methodical walk through publishing, with jargon busting, myth busting, and ego busting, breaking publishing down into its nuts and bolts, and making sure no parts are missing. Aimed at all levels experienced <> beginner.
3) Do you need a record label, Do you need a live agent?
45 minutes
Speakers: Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt (The International Music Managers Forum) & Dijana Lakus
Digital disrupted a lot of the music business-to-business model. As an artist in 2018 which partners do you need to fund, develop, and service your career? Who should you be looking for when you send out those gig invites and parcels stuffed with CD's and Czech beer.
28. 3. 2018 16:00 – 20:00
1) What is happening in the region?
90 Minutes
Speakers: Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt (The International Music Managers Forum) & Dijana Lakus
A curated discussion, with a few highlighted Visegrad and other experts, we will try and surface the opportunities that the region has. What are the biggest obstacles to careers, what can the regional community do to help itself, why are you here, what are your goals for 2018-2020? We will try and identify the biggest obstacles and create a discussion document to support Czech and regional activists in making a case for agendas to support artist based businesses in the region.
2) Brand: the artist has their own brand, and works with third party brands
45 Minutes
Speakers: Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt (The International Music Managers Forum) & Dijana Lakus
Using case studies from Central and Eastern, and Southern Europe we will look at the use of audience descriptions (demographics) , data, artistic vision, and creative control. How by not selling out, can you sell your brand?
3) Digital tools badge: managing the team, engaging the audience
45 Minutes
Speakers: Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt (The International Music Managers Forum) & Dijana Lakus
You are a small to medium sized enterprise (SME), you need to keep everyone connected efficiently, you need to deliver, sell, and market your products, you need to operate customer acquisition and retention strategies, and you need to do all this from your mobile phone, using coffee shop WIFi and working with people late at night, on multiple timezones, and even whilst in aeroplane mode. A few tips, and examples might help. If you have tools that you like, please be ready to share your recommendations.
About the lectors

Damian Ekman (CEO Hand2Band Group)
Damian started in the music industry in 2005 with DIY shows for punk/hardcore bands in Toruń, Poland, he was also artistic manager for 3 clubs in the city. Aged 21 he started his own booking agency “One Way” focused on helping bands from around world to play in Poland. Starting with underground bands, he then became tour manager for European tours for bands like The Dreadnoughts (CA) and KebMo (US) and manager for Apostate (CZ/RUS); Eris is My Homegirl (POL) and others, with a focus on punk/rock/hardcore/metal scenes.
After 5 years and many miles, he relocated to Warszawa to seek new challenges. At 27 he started at Fonografika (a significant polish label), and following an internship he became PR director working with bug polish artists from different genres: Włodek Pawlik (Grammy awarded Jazz), Peja (a top-selling polish Hip-Hop legend), Hunter (metal legends) and many, many, more working across genres from Disco Polo to Extreme Metal.
His interests expanded with a focus on the polish market, artists and promoters. He created the Fonografika Young Stage contest, a major showcasefor independent bands. And participated in annual polish showcases (Spring Break, Warsaw Music Week, Seazone).
In 2018 he manages Ted Nemeth (alternative rock) and Besides (post rock) and is CEO of Hand2Band Group - a company working in one division on IT and software solutions (hand2band), and in another on media and music management (H2B). They have delivered IT projects for from personalized artist websites, apps, and services, and are working with Jarocin Festiwal to build a band contest platform. In beta they have „radiohand” (journalists, publishers and artists meeting in one place on an app).
Damian is still inspired by new talent, is enjoying the way the Polish, and CEE live market is developing, and sees digital as an opportunity for the new generation of artists and business services.

Márton Náray
Márton Náray has been working in the creative and cultural sector for 20 years. During this time he had the opportunity to explore the music industry through a 360° viewpoint, as a record store manager, a festival programmer (Siget Festival, Babel Sound, European Music Day…) a booking agent, a project manager for a governmental music export agency (Music Export Hungary), a city program manager, a conference organiser (regiON, SoundQuest, Overhead), club promoter, tour manager, musician, radio presenter, and of course as a music addict. Although Márton started its carrier in Hungary, for the past 7 years he lives and works in Czech Republic. He currently works on connecting the Czech music sector to the international scene, and faciliating many new projects as a director of the newly launched SoundCzech/Czech Music Office, and as the conference director of Nouvelle Prague.
Damian Ekman
Márton Náray