Název: Reeperbahn
Termín a místo: 16. - 19. 9. 2020, Hamburg (Německo)
Finanční podpora: 6 000,- Kč
Kdo se hlásí: hudební profesionálové (manažer, promotér, novinář, booking agent, …)
Limit: až 10 podpořených profesionálů
Aktivity SoundCzech: CEEntral Party
Uzávěrka: 1. 3. 2020
Web akce: https://www.reeperbahnfestival.com/de
"Reeperbahn Festival combines a diverse line-up of new, international talents with a programme comprising of a wide range of themes in a progressive music marketplace. From the 16- 19 September 2020, more than 1.100 individual events await fans, journalists and trade visitors in numerous venues, promising both excitement and inspiration. Since its debut in 2006, Reeperbahn Festival has become one of the most important meeting places for the world of music and demonstrates how an exuberant music programme can be combined with music industry interests and social initiatives."
Kontaktní osoba: Michaela Beránková, berankova@soundczech.cz, 732 275 431